Reach Pharmacy offers private HPV vaccine service in Glasgow. Get in touch today on 01236 879 056 to find out more or simply visit the website. Private HPV vaccine is provided at Both Finnieston and Gartcosh branches of Reach Pharmacy in Glasgow.

The HPV vaccine is currently given as a series of 2 injections into the upper arm.

It's important to have both vaccine doses to be protected.

People who get their first vaccination dose at the age of 15 or older will need to have 3 injections.

Men who have sex with men (MSM), and trans men and trans women who are eligible for the vaccine, will need 3 vaccination doses (2 if they're under 15).

For those who need 3 doses of the vaccine:

  • the second dose should be given at least 1 month after the first

  • the third dose should be given ideally within 12 months of the second dose

It's important to have all vaccine doses to be properly protected.

What is HPV?


HPV is a group of viruses which is commonly found.

There are many types of HPV, some can cause cancer and are called "high risk" , such as cervical cancer, anal cancer, genital cancers, and cancers of the head and neck.

Some HPV types can cause warts or verrucas.

Almost all cervical cancers (99.7%) are caused by high-risk type of HPV infections.

On the other hand, HPV infections are responsible for only some of the anal and genital cancers, and cancers of the head and neck. The other elements causing these cancers are smoking and drinking alcohol.

There are no symptoms associated with HPV infections and hence most people affected will not be aware of it.

Find out more about HPV

HPV types


HPV has more than a hundred types and over 4o of them affect the genital area.

HPV is very common and in most people, the body will get rid of it naturally without any treatment. However, the high-risk type of HPV will not get cleared by itself in some people. If not treated on time, this can result in abnormal tissue growth and other complications and eventually turn into cancer.

High-risk types of HPV can cause various types of cancer, including:

Infection with other types of HPV may cause:

  • genital warts – small growths or skin changes on or around the genital or anal area; they're the most common viral sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the UK 

  • skin warts and verrucas – not on the genital area

  • warts on the voice box or vocal cords (laryngeal papillomas)

HPV Vaccine


One of the most effective ways of avoiding HPV infection is the HPV vaccine. It helps protect against cancers caused by HPV, including:

It also helps protect against genital warts.


How does the HPV vaccine function?

At present, in the UK, a vaccine called Gardasil is used.

Gardasil protects against 4 types of HPV: 6, 11, 16 and 18. Out of these, types 16 and 18 cause most of the cervical cancers in the UK (more than 70%).

HPV types 6 and 11 cause around 90% of genital warts, so using Gardasil helps protect girls against both cervical cancer and genital warts.

Where to get the HPV Vaccine Privately in Glasgow?


You can have HPV vaccines privately at Reach Pharmacy Finniestion and Gartcosh branches in Glasgow.

Majority of unvaccinated people will be infected with some type of HPV at some time in their life.

Most of the times, the virus does not cause any damage because their immune system fights the infection.

But in some cases, the infection does stay in the body for many years and may start doing damage.

How long does the HPV vaccine cover last?


According to studies, the HPV vaccine provides protection against HPV infection for a minimum of 10 years and longer.

HPV Vaccine safety


You can read more about HPV vaccination safety and the possible side effects.